Monday, May 4, 2015

Thomas Sunday

Preached in Holy Wisdom Church
April 21, 2015

1Jn 1:1-7b, Ac 3:25-4:21, Jn20:19-31

Christ is Risen! 

In pondering this morning’s scripture readings I was struck by a cause and effect scenario.  The first reading is possibly the substance of what Peter and John preached to the crowd when they had brought about the healing of the crippled man.  The preaching is the effect of something that happened previously- the cause.  Recall, when Jesus stood in their midst they were hiding for fear of the authorities. Now, Peter, and no doubt John too, though warned to cease and desist from talking about Jesus by the highest religious authority, are able to declare the divinity and love of Christ to any who would listen. What a change!Is not their belief in the Resurrection Mystery the ultimate cause?

The doubt of Thomas is understandable and helpful not only to us these many centuries later but I’m sure reinforced the other apostles’ conviction that they were not imagining seeing Christ. There was no doubt it was Christ, so His appearance must have been what they had seen before his Resurrection. The second appearance was certainly a reinforcement that they were not dreaming. Did they really believe Jesus was resurrected before he appeared to them these two times? The resurrection Mystery is the ultimate cause of their belief. Their Spirit-filled wisdom, courage and dedication followed from their belief in the Resurrected Christ.   

Whether we would be a Peter or a John or a Thomas or even better a Mary Magdalen who believed in Jesus no matter what happened, the Resurrection of Jesus is the culmination of our greatest challenge -faith in darkness. We are blessed when we believe without being able to put our hands into Jesus’ side and into the holes in his hands.  We believe even without being able to touch Jesus except through our very belief.

 When we follow Jesus, the path can be and is often through darkness looking like failure, defeat and hopelessness.  Sometimes these challenges in life are simply there to remind us how much greater God truly is, beyond our comprehension. God’s love is greater than our past and greater than all other things the world has to offer. This abundant life of union with God is offered freely to each of us! When we carry the message of Jesus—when we live the life of Jesus here and now, then we too, carry out the light of Truth in our own hearts. Then our lives are filled with joy even as we might be called to suffer terribly.  As the eyes of the body are enlightened when they see light, our spirit, when we are intent on God, is illumined by God’s infinite light. Prayer stands before God as an honored ambassador. Prayer from the heart that is not just confined to fixed times or periods but continuous throughout the day. It gives joy to the spirit, peace to the heart.  It is truly a gift of the Divine Spirit.

The choice is ours. Jesus has said to each of us individually: “come follow me”.  He wants us, He wants us to be his disciples and carry on his work. The more we know Jesus the stronger our convictions. Our faith will be built on rock and we will be willing to stand up for our faith and the truth. For Peter, John and the other disciples, we see the cause and effect of  their deep faith and convictions. Is our belief in the Mystery of the resurrection expressed by our response to life today---tomorrow---- and the next day?

 Christ is Risen!

The Prodigal Son

As preached by Sister Cecelia Holy Wisdom Church Jeremiah 3:12b-15,19-22; 1 John 3:7-20; Luke 15:11-32 Preparing for the Lenten season, this...