Monday, October 31, 2016

Fishers of People

As Preached by Sister Cecelia
October 23, 2016
Holy Wisdom Church

Is 6:1-8,1Cor 15:39-44,47-58, Lk 5:1-11    

In pondering the readings for this morning, the response of Peter and Isaiah to the Holy, to the divine, is insightful. What would our own reaction be if we came into the presence of something totally mystifying (mind boggling) and awesome?

 Their response reminded me of a story of two 17 yr olds. The girl was very unsure of herself, she wondered how she looked to others. In trying to evaluate her appearance, she wondered if her nose was too big, her mouth too small, her legs too skinny? How could she know? She also found that in the presence of others, she could not think of anything to say. She had no confidence in herself.

The boy felt like he was not proportioned very well. He had to buy extra large clothes for his chest and size small for his hips. It also worried him that he was never sure of what to say. Others always seemed so much wiser than he. Since he felt he had no contribution to give, he kept his mouth shut.

 Then the two of them met. When he saw her he said; “Oh, my -you are so beautiful!” When she saw him, she said; “You look so strong”. They talked for a bit and he said to her; “You are so witty.” She said to him, “you are so wise!” After that, he had no doubts about himself and she became the most confident mother you would ever meet. Notice what friends, lovers can do for one another.

After hearing Jesus preach from his boat and seeing this miracle of the catch of fish, Peter was struck with awe by the light and felt his own smallness and unworthiness in Jesus presence. Jesus encouraged him though and indicated he would not just fish for fish but his catch now would be a great many people to whom he would be able to spread the good news of the light of Christ.  Notice Peter’s feeling of inadequacy change with Jesus encouragement.

When Isaiah saw the Lord, the king of angelic hosts, he too felt so totally unworthy in the presence of this light. After being cleansed with a burning coal to his lips, he was assured of his worthiness. Upon hearing the Lords question of who to send, he was emboldened enough to cry out; Here I am Lord.  Send me.

God’s prophets called Jesus  the light of nations, the light of the world. Jesus knew himself to be that light. A light does not so much add something new as it provides visibility. We can see what we have not seen before. The light enables us to see but also, to do things we have not even thought of before. Jesus enables us to see who we are, how we are and, what we can and must do. He has told each of us; You are a child of God. You are my sister. You are my brother. I am your friend. Notice what Jesus, the light of the world, our friend and brother, has done for us.

To God’s question St Paul answered, “Here I am, send me” and was emboldened to preach to the very people he had been punishing for heresy before he experienced the Light of Christ. His attempt to answer the Corinthian’s question of how our bodies can enter heaven seems somehow philosophically poetical.

 Paul was assured that by Jesus rising from the dead with a glorified body, a body many of his followers saw, that we too, would pass from our earthly, corruptible bodies to one that is incorruptible. The first person, Adam, was made of the dust of the earth and the second, Jesus, is from heaven. We all bear the image of the first person and we bear the image of the second. Our perishable bodies must put on imperishability. By accepting our own meager virtues as well as our failures we have a chance to understand the failures of others. We have a chance to realize we each have plenty of room for growth. We can stop saying, Too bad, that is just the way I am, and begin to say “There is more that I can be”.

Does our faith in Jesus words give us the confidence we need to spread the Good news, to live the gospel as the early disciples did?  We have the Light that is Christ in our hearts. It is in this light that we discover ourselves, inding out what are our possibilities as well as our tasks. Let us answer well and say frequently, Here I am Lord, Send me.   
Christ is in our Midst!

The Prodigal Son

As preached by Sister Cecelia Holy Wisdom Church Jeremiah 3:12b-15,19-22; 1 John 3:7-20; Luke 15:11-32 Preparing for the Lenten season, this...